jaw was dropped.

Last night I got to watch an Australian shepherd puppy and a pit bull-mix puppy take each other on. Ozzie and Duke, respectively, have apparently been puppy-friends for a good long while, and have a long-standing rough-housing relationship. And, they are badasses. I think I can confidentally say it's at least as, if not more fun, to watch two dogs play out martial arts principles in a solidly balanced, not-trying-to-hurt-each-other-way, than it is to watch two people sparring. I saw everything from side-mounts to over-and-under clinches, and, I shit you not, a body-side-drop. Ozzie got some sort of hold on Duke's collar, flipped over onto his back, and we all started to say something to the effect of, "aww, he slipped," only to see a very suprised look appear on Duke's horribly cute pit bull face as he was flipped over in turn by the sacrifice throw. Acrobatic Ozzie's got some skillz.

another interesting bird, possibly linked to the etymology of "jinx"

Completely Random Quote of the Day:
"I drank, I pursued the gentler sex, and so forth." - Naguib Mahfouz (I just like that, "and so forth")

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