Things of Note - A Weekendy Weekend

-congrats to Ms Kim and Rooney - theeeey arrrre the chaaaampions, THEEEYY AAARRRRE THE...::cough:: anyway...
-thanks to Kevin, we now know we've inadvertantly been growing London rockets, aka, desert wasabi, all over both's deceptively burny
-Mission Impossible: Reverse Dumpster Diving (be sneakylike!)
-a bobcat tried to break into an apartment (at least, that's what it looked like); a chihuahua may or may not have been pleasuring itself in said apartment (gah! teeth!)
-even if you win Speed when the other person is blatantly cheating, don't yell "ha!" and fall over backwards - you'll fall into a puddle and crack your head on a rock bench
-New Balance stores are horribly expensive...but the service, magnifique!
-I finally got a picture frame! Woo! Now, to get several more...
-we're one step closer to a Zen garden! And we can see the porch at night again! Yay housework!

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