trivia! WHAM! ball.

Get excited! In the long run, anyway, most probably won't come out for a long time.

Heh, why yes, I am juvenile:
"The word "avocado" comes from the Spanish word aguacate, which derives in turn from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word ahuacatl, meaning "testicle", because of its shape."

Woo! Cash Cab! Like Jeopardy, a game show I actually like

"When powdered bark is treated with tincture of iodine (a test for starch), little effect is visible in the case of pure cinnamon of good quality, but when cassia is present a deep-blue tint is produced, the intensity of the coloration depending on the proportion of cassia." -- perhaps this is where the combination of cinnamon-taste/smell and dark blue color for the spice in the Dune novels comes from - a combination of wealth and exotic (cinnamon) and the poison of cassia (the dark blue effect)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

'Avocado' used to be the Spanish word for lawyer, so that adds another layer of humor.